Monday, 14 March 2016



1) Define the terms (i) State (ii) Property and (iii) Cycle
2) What is Psychrometry?
3) Name different methods of Power Transmission.
4) Define the term slip of a reciprocating pump.
5) Name different types of patterns used in moulding.
6) List the machinery operations that are performed in a lathe.
7) What is meant by velocity ratio and slip in a belt drive?
8) What are the functions of injector in internal combustion engines?
9) Define specific heat. State its units.
10) Explain the types of belt drives.
11) Explain the use of draft tube.
12) State Zeroth law.
13) Mention the different types of ignition systems used in SI engine.
14) Define Refrigeration.
15) Give the classification of SI engines.
16) Give the classifications of IC engines.
17) With the help of neat sketch explain vapour compression refrigeration system.
18) Write a short note about brazing?
19) What are the advantages of MPFI over carburetor system.
20) What is extrusion? Explain its classification.
21) Define air conditioning. Differentiate between summer and winter air conditioning.
22) Why friction discs are not used when constant velocity ratio is required?
23) Briefly describe the Rolling process.
24) Explain the principle of operation of CNC machine.
25) Explain MPFI systems.
26) Compare between belt drive and gear drive.
27) What are the advantages of ECM?
28) Differentiate between soldering and brazing.
29) What are the steps involved in casting a part?
30) What is electro chemical machining and how it is difficult from electroplating.
31) List the various mechanical drives?
32) What are the elements of CNC machines?
33) What are the advantages and disadvantages of chain drives?
34) What are the main methods of mechanical power transmission from one shaft to another?
35) What is refrigerator and write an expression for its COP in terms of heat absorption and rejection?
36) Explain specific gravity. Write the values of specific gravity and specific weight of water at 4˚C.
37) Differentiate between path functions and point functions. Heat and work are not properties, but their difference is a property. Explain.
38) What is a thermodynamic system? Classify thermodynamic system? What are the properties of a thermodynamic system?
39) It is necessary to prime all the types of pumps Why?
40) Write a short note on fuels.

1) Air at 20 kPa and 20oC is expanded isothermally to 15 kPa. Calculate the change in internal energy and work done. If it is expanded adiabatically, find the corresponding values.
2) Discuss the important features that distinguish the 4 stroke cycle IC engine from 2 stroke cycle IC engine.
3) Define air conditioning and discuss different systems of air conditioning.
4) Find the Horse Power transmitted by a rope drive from the following data:
Angle of contact: 180o Pulley groove angle: 60
Coefficient of friction: 0.2 Weight of rope per unit length: 4 N/m
Permissible tension is 1200 N and velocity of the rope is 18 m/s.
5) Explain the features of different types of welding processes.
6) Describe with neat sketches a drilling machine.
7) Derive an expression for the air standard efficiency of a diesel cycle.
8) With neat sketches, explain the construction and working of a four-stroke diesel engine.
9) Compare the vapour compression and absorption systems, bringing out their applications.
10) Describe the working and the necessity of a lathe in an automobile workshop.
11) Derive an expression for calculating the length of belt for an open belt drive.
12) With the help of a neat sketch explain the arc welding process.
13) Compare between SMAW and oxy-fuel welding.
14) Explain the working principle of two-stroke and four –stroke engines with a neat sketch.
15) Write a detailed note on Rack and pinion.
16) A Carnot refrigeration cycle absorbs heat at 256 K and rejects as 303K. Calculate the COP of the refrigeration cycle. If the Carnot heat pump operates between the same temperature limits as the above cycle, what is COP. How many kJ/s will the heat pump deliver at 303K if it absorb 1200 kJ/min.
17) With the neat sketch explain the layout of window room air conditioning.
18) Describe the following machining operations?
(1) Milling (2) Grinding
19) Describe how taper tuning is done in a lathe.
20) Explain in detail of the first law of thermodynamics with internal energy concept.
21) Write short notes on :
(i) Sand casting processes.
(ii) Hydrostatic extrusion.
(iii) 3 roll process
22) Explain in detail about the closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine.
23) With a flow diagram explain the working of a simple vapour compression refrigeration system clearly explain the duty of each component.
24) Write short notes on (i) Belt drives; (ii) Chain drives
25) Explain about: (i) Arc welding (ii) Gas welding (iii) Resistance welding.
26) Differentiate between Reaction turbines and Impulse turbines.
27) State and explain Pascal’s Law. Write one application of this law.
28) What is heat pump? How does it differ from a refrigerator?
29) The distance between the centre of two pulleys of 300mm and 750 mm diameter is 1.5m. The maximum tension of the belt should not exceed 14 N/mm width of belt. Assuming coefficient of friction between belt and pulley as 0.25, determine maximum power that can be transmitted at a belt speed of 10 m/s.
30) What are the different arrangements of rolling mills that are employed? Explain at least three arrangements with neat sketch.
31) Derive an expression for the efficiency of a gas turbine.
32) Explain EDM and ECM with neat sketches.
33) Explain the working of a single plate clutch with a suitable sketch.
34) Explain the working of a vapour compression system.
35) With the help of a belt, an engine running at 200 rpm, drives a line shaft. The diameter of the pulley on the engine is 80 cm and the diameter of the pulley on the line shaft is 40 cm. A 100 cm diameter pulley on the line shaft drives a 20 cm diameter pulley keyed to a dynamo shaft. Find the speed of the dynamo shaft when
i) there is no slip
ii)there is a slip of 2.5% at each drive
36) With the help of flow and p-h diagrm explain the working of a vapour compression refrigeration system?
37) Explain the three types of welding processes.
38) Describe with suitable sketches the working of a reciprocating pump. What are its limitations?
39) With the help of neat sketches explain the working of four stroke petrol engine.
40) With a neat sketch, explain the working of a Cochran boiler

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