Which of the following molecules
are IR active?
H-Br, HCN, O2, O3,
Ans: All molecules
except homonuclear diatomic molecules is IR active
H-Br, HCN, O3, CO2 are IR active.
Q2. What is
Beer-Lamberts law? Explain the terms involved.
Ans. When a monochromatic light is passed through a dye solution, the
absorbance is proportional to product of concentration and thickness of
solution. A= e c t [ e is molar absorptivity, c is concentration and t is thickness
of solution.
Q3. What
are the various types of energy transitions (levels) possible in molecule?
Electronic Energy levels.
The energy associated with distribution of electrons in a molecule. It
is quantized. The energy gap between these levels falls in UV-visible region. Transitions
between electronic energy levels is possible.
Vibrational Energy levels. The bonds in a molecule always
vibrate. Here during vibration the centre of gravity remains constant while the
position of atoms changes. The energy associated with vibrational motion is
vibrational energy. It is also quantized. The energy gap falls in IR region.
Transition between vibrational energy levels is possible.
Rotational Energy levels. Gaseous molecule will always rotate
in space about an axis passing through the centre of mass. The energy
associated with rotation is called rotational energy levels. This is also quantized. Therefore it can be
represented as levels. The energy gap between rotational energy levels
corresponds to microwave region. Transition between rotational energy levels is
Q4. What are the various types of electronic transitions
possible in organic molecule?
Ans: Four types of transitions are possible in an
organic molecule.
n-π* transitions : These types of transitions are related to the
promotion of an electron from a non-bonding orbital to π* antibonding orbital. These
transitions are shown by unsaturated molecules which contain hetero atoms like
N, O, Cl, Br, S etc. Example, in aliphatic aldehydes and ketones n-π*
transitions generally occurs in the wavelength range 270 to 300 nm.
π-π* transitions : These types of transitions are related to the
promotion of an electron from a π-bonding orbital to π*
antibonding orbital. The unsaturated organic molecules like alkenes have π-bonding
orbital as HOMO and π* antibonding orbital as LUMO shows this type of transitions.
For example ethylene molecule gives an absorption maximum at 169nm (which is
not scanned by commercial spectrometer). Extending the conjugation, further
red-shift the absorption maximum.
n-s* transitions : These types of transitions are related to the
promotion of an electron from a non-bonding orbital to σ* antibonding orbital. These
are forbidden transitions and therefore are weak intense. The saturated organic
molecules with hetero atoms like N, O, S, Cl etc shows this type of
transitions. Example ethers, chloroform, methanol, etc. Usually absorption
takes place below 200nm, therefore commercial spectrometers does not scan this.
σ-σ* transitions : These types of transitions are related to the
promotion of an electron from a σ-bonding orbital to σ*
antibonding orbital. This type of transitions is common for saturated organic
molecules without hetero-atoms. These are allowed transitions. Usually this
transition occurs below 150 nm. These transitions cannot be observed in
commercial spectrometers (200 nm – 750 nm).
Q5. What
are the advantages of MRI imaging technique over others?
Ans: MRI technique is used to image soft tissues. The
electromagnetic radiation used is RF which is harmless. MRI can cover a wide
area of body at a time. It can differentiate injured and non-injured tissues.
Q5. With a suitable example make clear the
Chemical Shift in H-NMR spectroscopy.
Ans: Consider the low
resolution NMR spectra of 1,1,2-trichloroethane.
It has two types of protons, Namely Ha and Hb. Ha –type is connected to two chlorine so more
deshielded than Hb protons.
Q6. With a suitable example make clear the SPIN-SPIN
splitting in H-NMR spectroscopy.
Ans: Consider the low
resolution NMR spectra of 1,1,2-trichloroethane.
It has two types of protons, Namely Ha and Hb. Ha –type is connected to two chlorine so more
deshielded than Hb protons.
Predict the High resolution NMR spectrum of CH3-CH2-CHCl2
(High resolution means spin-spin splitting).
Write four applications of Electronic Spectroscopy.
analysis of Conjugated dienes and aromatics
of dyes.
analysis using Beer lamberts law.
the kinetics of reaction by monitoring absorbance vs concentration
of impurities in solvents.
Which of the following nuclei
shows NMR activity?
H2, He4, C12, C13, O18
To be NMR active, Nuclei should
have non-zero spin.
H1, H2, C13 [He4 has 2 protons and two
neutrons I = 0, C12
has 6 protons and 6 neutrons therefore I =0,
O18 has 8 protons and 10 neutrons therefore I =0]
Q10. A
dye solution of concentration 0.04 M shows absorbance of 0.045 at 530 nm; while
a solution of same dye shows absorbance of 0.022 under same conditions. Find
the concentration of the test solution?
A = e c
t Here e
and t are constants, therefore
= C1/C2
= 0.04/C2
c2 =
0.0195 M
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