KTU-Scheme Question Paper Engineering
Chemistry (CY100)
Part A. Answer all questions. Each
question carries 2 marks.
What property of nuclei is involved in NMR
spectroscopy? Give two examples of each type.
What is the voltage generated by the H2--O2
fuel cell operating under standard condition? A fuel cell is considered better
than an electrical power plant using the same fuel. Why?
Ans 1.23
V. In fuel cell the reactions are taking
place in nearly reversible manner, therefore more useful work can be obtained.
In an electric power plant the fuel + oxidant reaction is taking place in a non
reversible manner, so efficiency will be relatively low.
Give two examples of carrier gases used in GC
analysis? Why oxygen is not suitable carrier has for GC analysis?
How silicone rubber is obtained from silicones?
Give the reaction.
Define lubricant and lubrication. What are the
functions of lubricants?
Give the condition when the GCV and NCV will be
What are the different units used to express
degree of hardness? Give their inter
relationship. (3)
on the statement “hardwater is not a health
risk but is a nuisance”
Part B. Answer all questions. Each
question carries 3 marks.
9. Explain how you could use IR spectroscopy to distinguish compound I
and II? (Hint not based on C-F stretching)

10. A zinc rod is dipped in 0.1M solution of ZnSO4. The salt
is 95% dissociated at 298K. Calculate the electrode potential.
11. In what way DTA study of polymers helpful to a researcher?
12. Differentiate between SWCNT and MWCNT ?
13. How do graphite and molybdenum sulphide function as lubricants?
14. Compare LNG Vs CNG.
CaCO3 is used as standard for expressing degree of hardness? (3)
16. Calculate
the hardness of 0.01 M and 0.01 N AlCl3 each solution separately.
Part C. Answer any one full question (10 * 1 = 10 marks)
Module I
17. a.
Arange in the increasing
order of wave number of the stretching vibrations of (1) C-H (alkane), (2) O-H (alcohol),
(3) C=O (ketone), and (4) C≡C (alkyne)? (2)
b. When
a monochromatic light of 480 nm is passed through a dye solution of thickness 2
cm transmits 40% incident light. Calculate the concentration of dye solution,
given that molar
absorption coefficient recorded is 6000 dm3mol-1cm-1. (3)
Give examples of two applications of each IR, UV/Visible. (2)
d. Give a brief account on Free
induction decay in MRI scanning. (3)
Ans. In a magnetic field, the nuclear energy
levels of Hydrogen splits.
a later time after excitation, spins slowly return to the initial state of
equilibrium. The energy is reradiated. This reradiated energy is observed as an
MRI signal (called Free Induction
Decay FID signal) and is processed to construct the image with the help of
18. a. Which one out of 1,3-pentadiene and 1,4-pentadiene will have longer
wavelength of absorption maximum . Explain
b. Distinguish between
absorption and emission spectroscopy . (2)
c. Why TMS is used as a
reference in 1H-NMR spectrum of organic molecule? (2)
Ans. Silicon is more electropositive than Carbon. Therefore the 12
identical protons in TMS are highly shielded and we get signal at high field
strength. Chemical shift is expressed relative to TMS. For all organic
molecules the signal for proton will fall in the left side of TMS.
d. Draw a neat schematic
diagram of an NMR instrument. (3)
Module II
19. a. What is electrochemical series? Give any four applications. (4)
b. What are reversible and
irreversible cell. Give examples (4)
Ans A cell is said to be reversible if the following two
conditions are fulfilled
(i) The chemical reaction of the cell stops when an
exactly equal external emf is applied.
(ii) The chemical reaction of the cell is reversed
and the current flows in opposite direction when the external emf is slightly
higher than that of the cell. Any other cell, which does not obey the above two
conditions, is termed as irreversible.
Daniell cell is reversible but Zinc-Silver cell is irreversible in
c. Explain why dilute
hydrochloric acid cannot be used for the acidification during the redox
titration using KMnO4? (2)
Ans. KMnO4 is a
strong oxidizing agent. It will oxidise Cl- in HCl to ½ Cl2
gas. Thus error will introduce in the redox titration.
20. a. Explain
the construction and working of Hydrogen electrode. Mention its limitations. (3)
b. Write
a note on Helmholtz electrical double layer. (3)
c. Write the differences
between primary and secondary cells? Give examples. (2)
d. Devise an experiment to
measure the standard electrode potential of Cu/Cu2+ electrode. (2)
Module III
19. a. Write short note on TLC. (4)
b. Calculate
the conductivity of given sodium chloride solution at 298 K which shows a
conductance of 500 micro-mho in a cell. A standard solution of 0.01 M KCl shows
a conductance of 128 micro-mho in that cell. Given that conductivity of 0.01 M
KCl solution is 0.00128/(ohm cm) at 298 K. (4)
c. What is the necessity
of guard column in HPLC? (2)
20. a. What is the use of a pre-heater in GC instrument?(2)
b. Based on the mechanism
of separation, classify chromatographic technique. (2)
c. Write down the
application of conductivity measurement. (2)
Ans: Conductivity
measurements are used to monitor quality of public water supplies,
Ionic concentrations, Salinity, Sodium Concentrations in Urine
d. With the help of a neat
block diagram explain the working of TGA and how is it different from DTA? (4)
Module IV
21. a. Describe the preparation and uses of any two commercial
important synthetic elastomers. (4)
b. What is
nano material? Explain the synthesis of nano material by solgel method.
c. Discuss any four applications of
conducting polymers. (2)
22. a. What are conducting polymers? Show that how doping can improve
its conductivity. (5)
b. Explain addition and
condensation polymerization with suitable examples? (5)
Module V
a. A
bomb calorimeter containing 900 grams of water was calibrated by burning a
sample of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH), its HCV is 2700.00 Cal/kg. When 1g of benzoic
acid is burned in the calorimeter, the temperature of the water and the
calorimeter increases by 3°C. Using these data, calculate the calorimeter
constant. (5)
b. Describe the
determination of Flash and fire point using Penskey Martins Apparatus. (5)
24. a. What are the different types of lubricants? Give details. (3)
b. Define viscosity index.
How it is determined? (4)
c. Write the detailed calculations involved in
the determination of calorific value of a solid fuel by Bomb-calorimeter. (3)
Module VI
23. a. Calculate the hardness of water sample,
whose 10 ml require 20 ml of EDTA solution. 20 mL of standard hard water which
contains 1.5 g of CaCO3 / L
require 30 ml of EDTA. (5)
Calculate the hardness of given sample of water, if 50 ml of sample
water gives endpoint with 20 ml of EDTA solution. 20 ml of standard hard water
of concentration 0.02 M gives end point with 25 ml of EDTA solution. (5)
24. a. Calculate the temporary,
permanent and total hardness of water in ppm having the following
composition. Ca(HCO3)2
= 4ppm, Ca(HCO3)2 = 6 ppm, CaSO4 = 8ppm, MgSO4
= 10 ppm and NaHCO3 = 3 ppm?. (5)
b. Explain
with a sketch, the various steps involved in the treatment of water for
domestic purpose. (5)
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